🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Being trans is fun sometimes. Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.

    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Weirdest update: Took a blood test so I can start HRT. Can't start T because of some issues with my blood. There's also a high chance I have some kinda anomaly with my sex chromosomes??? Ok. 😭😭😭

    Weirdest update:
Took a blood test so I can start HRT.
Can't start T because of some issues with my blood.

There's also a high chance I have some kinda anomaly with my sex chromosomes??? Ok. 😭😭😭
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    ...I haven't even gotten my new passport yet.

    ...I haven't even gotten my new passport yet.
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Love languages

    Love languages
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    This is a personal pet peeve of mine but I hate how furry art is always treated as this "get rich quick" scheme as if most of us weren't incredibly passionate about this community and that's why we tend to invest money into it. The majority of furries are far from rich (1/4)

    This is a personal pet peeve of mine but I hate how furry art is always treated as this "get rich quick" scheme as if most of us weren't incredibly passionate about this community and that's why we tend to invest money into it. The majority of furries are far from rich (1/4)