🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Messing around with demons = never a good idea Small sketch I made

    Messing around with demons = never a good idea 

Small sketch I made
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    "First contact" (What talking to me probably feels like for my close friends )

    "First contact"

(What talking to me probably feels like for my close friends )
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Some design notes for one of my sonas... funny cat demon. He can shapeshift.

    Some design notes for one of my sonas... funny cat demon. He can shapeshift.
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    "Old art".

    "Old art".
    🧪 Bready / 22@Breadys_Lab

    Being trans is fun sometimes. Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.

    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.
    Being trans is fun sometimes.
Based on an actual conversation with my mother, featuring @dieselchar's stupid lizard.