been wanting to do the outfit timeline lineup for 50 years but knowing me, it's gonna stay at this stage for another 50 years so (gestures vaguely) #guildwars2 #gw2 #GW2EOD

    been wanting to do the outfit timeline lineup for 50 years but knowing me, it's gonna stay at this stage for another 50 years so (gestures vaguely) 
#guildwars2 #gw2 #GW2EOD
    been wanting to do the outfit timeline lineup for 50 years but knowing me, it's gonna stay at this stage for another 50 years so (gestures vaguely) 
#guildwars2 #gw2 #GW2EOD
    been wanting to do the outfit timeline lineup for 50 years but knowing me, it's gonna stay at this stage for another 50 years so (gestures vaguely) 
#guildwars2 #gw2 #GW2EOD

    some sketches w/ friends

    some sketches w/ friends

    kormir priestesses hate her for bleeding all over their fancy tapestries and rugs

    kormir priestesses hate her for bleeding all over their fancy tapestries and rugs

    (out of context angst)

    (out of context angst)

    I just think that women.

    I just think that women.