I just want to draw my naked plants but my family keeps interrupting me

    I just want to draw my naked plants but my family keeps interrupting me

    something something cinematic scenes in my head but no energy to draw them in full so, you get out of context panels (it's my norn from gw2)

    something something cinematic scenes in my head but no energy to draw them in full so, you get out of context panels

(it's my norn from gw2)

    trying to figure out a little character design

    trying to figure out a little character design

    really want to work on this but girl i don't evne know where to start <doesn't know how to draw backgrounds/scenery

    really want to work on this but girl i don't evne know where to start <doesn't know how to draw backgrounds/scenery

    this is what an insane person's "stress relief" looks like

    this is what an insane person's "stress relief" looks like