
    I finished FFXII for the first time yesterday and this is my only take

    I finished FFXII for the first time yesterday and this is my only take

    I'm way too obsessed with Pokemon Snap to be able to function artistically. Please enjoy my Pokemon OC's while I recover

    I'm way too obsessed with Pokemon Snap to be able to function artistically. Please enjoy my Pokemon OC's while I recover
    I'm way too obsessed with Pokemon Snap to be able to function artistically. Please enjoy my Pokemon OC's while I recover
    I'm way too obsessed with Pokemon Snap to be able to function artistically. Please enjoy my Pokemon OC's while I recover
    I'm way too obsessed with Pokemon Snap to be able to function artistically. Please enjoy my Pokemon OC's while I recover

    #GochiDay part 2, i love these 2 buff lovers

    #GochiDay part 2, i love these 2 buff lovers
    #GochiDay part 2, i love these 2 buff lovers
    #GochiDay part 2, i love these 2 buff lovers
    #GochiDay part 2, i love these 2 buff lovers

    im going through old folders and i still love this sketch so much

    im going through old folders and i still love this sketch so much

    I did some E3 bets w @LoaMcLoa @nhedron and Frumlock Loa won, so Hedron had to draw Mario eating a pie and loving it, Frumlock had to draw Luigi eating a pie and being like "Hey, that ain't bad", and I had to draw Peach eating a pie and being meh about it and then we overdid it

    I did some E3 bets w @LoaMcLoa @nhedron and Frumlock

Loa won, so Hedron had to draw Mario eating a pie and loving it, Frumlock had to draw Luigi eating a pie and being like "Hey, that ain't bad", and I had to draw Peach eating a pie and being meh about it

and then we overdid it