Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Is it just me, or is everyone else also re-visiting Harry Potter rn. I started re-watching the movies for comfort and feel like I've noticed a distinct uptick in HP tweets lately... could be Baader-Meinhof, could be that we all want to see the teen wizard beat up the bad guys

    Is it just me, or is everyone else also re-visiting Harry Potter rn.
I started re-watching the movies for comfort and feel like I've noticed a distinct uptick in HP tweets lately... could be Baader-Meinhof, could be that we all want to see the teen wizard beat up the bad guys
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Gonna livestream tomorrow starting at 11:30am EST! I'll be inking again ;0

    Gonna livestream tomorrow  starting at 11:30am EST! I'll be inking again ;0
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Streamin on twitch! I'm still working in the pencils for this piece, so you get to see me struggle to draw a crystal chandelier in perspective

    Streamin on twitch! I'm still working in the pencils for this piece, so you get to see me struggle to draw a crystal chandelier in perspective
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    It happened again 2:30am this time ?

    It happened again
2:30am this time  ?
    Abby Howard@AbbyHoward

    Livestreaming while I finish up these pencils and move on to inks. All donations from this stream will be going to community bail funds! Help support protestors by donating through ActBlue ( Link to the stream:

    Livestreaming while I finish up these pencils and move on to inks. All donations from this stream will be going to community bail funds! Help support protestors by donating through ActBlue (

Link to the stream:

