
    Ekko has always been an attentive boy #Arcane #piltoverfinest

    Ekko has always been an attentive boy
#Arcane #piltoverfinest

    Ah, yes, normal villains stuff #Arcane #jinx #silco

    Ah, yes, normal villains stuff
#Arcane #jinx #silco

    Let it be here #artvsartist2021

    Let it be here

    Good for them~ #Arcane #piltoversfinest

    Good for them~
#Arcane #piltoversfinest

    Was digging through archives, found first sketches of my OC - Jigsaw. Now he's looking a lil different, but I still love my dumb shark boy so much. There's a spot reserved for you in the upcoming comic, so our breakup will soon be over, my luv 😊

    Was digging through archives, found first sketches of my OC - Jigsaw. Now he's looking a lil different, but I still love my dumb shark boy so much. There's a spot reserved for you in the upcoming comic, so our breakup will soon be over, my luv 😊