Juan Albarran@JuanAlbarran75

    You can now get Aquaman: Deep Dives for only $0,99 here: https://t.co/6r1Jz1L76O Steve Orlando, Dani Sampere, yours truly and Adriano Lucas.

    You can now get Aquaman: Deep Dives for only $0,99 here:

Steve Orlando, Dani Sampere, yours truly and Adriano Lucas.
    You can now get Aquaman: Deep Dives for only $0,99 here:

Steve Orlando, Dani Sampere, yours truly and Adriano Lucas.
    You can now get Aquaman: Deep Dives for only $0,99 here:

Steve Orlando, Dani Sampere, yours truly and Adriano Lucas.
    You can now get Aquaman: Deep Dives for only $0,99 here:

Steve Orlando, Dani Sampere, yours truly and Adriano Lucas.
    Juan Albarran@JuanAlbarran75

    Batman commission done!

    Batman commission done!
    Batman commission done!
    Juan Albarran@JuanAlbarran75

    A couple of background sketches I did a while ago. I love doing these, I should do them more often

    A couple of background sketches I did a while ago. I love doing these, I should do them more often
    A couple of background sketches I did a while ago. I love doing these, I should do them more often
    Juan Albarran@JuanAlbarran75

    Two pages from a story I pitched a few weeks ago to a Japanese publisher. It didn't work out but I got great feedback about how they approach storytelling, character development and art. I hope I can find the time to write, draw and pitch more stories in Japan in the future!

    Two pages from a story I pitched a few weeks ago to a Japanese publisher. It didn't work out but I got great feedback about how they approach storytelling, character development and art. I hope I can find the time to write, draw and pitch more stories in Japan in the future!
    Juan Albarran@JuanAlbarran75

    Two more pages from the story I pitched to a Japanese publisher a few months ago. Girls and guitars, you know the drill.

    Two more pages from the story I pitched to a Japanese publisher a few months ago. Girls and guitars, you know the drill.


