I'm reporting a problematic Facebook account reported by multiple people, but it's not accepted at this time. It seems that I was not recognized as the right holder, and even after sending proof that I had the right, it was treated as "finished" without a reply.😞
たわむれ親子 (ネタにマジレスする長男さんが描きたかっただけの産物)
#皆さん線画と塗った後を見せてください 最新のとお気に入りで…(*'ω'*) 線画の段階でも良い感じの絵が描けるように頑張りたいな~
銀河対抗あの世一大運動会 種目:借り物競争 (という妄想らくがき)
#このタグを見た人はラフ画とその完成絵を見せる 見掛けたのと、なんだか面白そうなので☺️ と言ってもほとんど下描きだなこれ(見て面白そうなのがこれくらいしかなかった) ちなみに左の段階でゴジータの手がデカ過ぎな事に気付かずに、着色結構進んだ段階で無理矢理縮めました…。笑
らくがき4コマ いじける悟飯ちゃんが描きたくてつい…
I'm reporting a problematic Facebook account reported by multiple people, but it's not accepted at this time. It seems that I was not recognized as the right holder, and even after sending proof that I had the right, it was treated as "finished" without a reply.😞