ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ@albinobirb

    This is what happens when i play love live school idol festival with jojo brain rot #JJBA

    This is what happens when i play love live school idol festival with jojo brain rot #JJBA
    This is what happens when i play love live school idol festival with jojo brain rot #JJBA
    ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ@albinobirb

    Banana hotline 🍌, this is bossu speaking. #jjba #vinegardoppio

    Banana hotline 🍌, this is bossu speaking.
#jjba #vinegardoppio
    Banana hotline 🍌, this is bossu speaking.
#jjba #vinegardoppio
    Banana hotline 🍌, this is bossu speaking.
#jjba #vinegardoppio
    ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ@albinobirb

    This is a cry for help🍍

    This is a cry for help🍍
    This is a cry for help🍍
    This is a cry for help🍍
    This is a cry for help🍍
    ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ@albinobirb

    What the hell is happening anymore. I feel like i take psychological damage every time i hear news

    What the hell is happening anymore. I feel like i take psychological damage every time i hear news
    ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ@albinobirb

    remember when edelgard set bernadetta on fire? yea #fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses

    remember when edelgard set bernadetta on fire? yea #fe3h #FireEmblemThreeHouses