Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    Okay okay lemme just *inhales* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm okay! I'm not okay! HHhhnnnggosjdhfiaosfdnisjrgni Please watch #GodzillaVsKong guys, PLEASE!

    Okay okay lemme just *inhales*
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm okay! I'm not okay! HHhhnnnggosjdhfiaosfdnisjrgni
Please watch #GodzillaVsKong guys, PLEASE!
    Okay okay lemme just *inhales*
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm okay! I'm not okay! HHhhnnnggosjdhfiaosfdnisjrgni
Please watch #GodzillaVsKong guys, PLEASE!
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    "Nah, I'm out! I ain't dealing with another lizard! Nope!" (I have mad respect for Kong, for fighting MG and saving Goji) #GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong #GodzillaVsKongspoilers

    "Nah, I'm out! I ain't dealing with another lizard! Nope!"
(I have mad respect for Kong, for fighting MG and saving Goji)
#GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong #GodzillaVsKongspoilers
    "Nah, I'm out! I ain't dealing with another lizard! Nope!"
(I have mad respect for Kong, for fighting MG and saving Goji)
#GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong #GodzillaVsKongspoilers
    "Nah, I'm out! I ain't dealing with another lizard! Nope!"
(I have mad respect for Kong, for fighting MG and saving Goji)
#GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong #GodzillaVsKongspoilers
    "Nah, I'm out! I ain't dealing with another lizard! Nope!"
(I have mad respect for Kong, for fighting MG and saving Goji)
#GodzillaVsKong #Godzilla #Kong #GodzillaVsKongspoilers
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    I guess some of you didn't get the message, so I'll say it again: STOP REPOSTING/STEALING MY ART! I've received four different reports about art theft recently. You have no idea how much I get depressed and lose motivation to draw whenever I see my art getting reposted/stolen:

    I guess some of you didn't get the message, so I'll say it again:
I've received four different reports about art theft recently.
You have no idea how much I get depressed and lose motivation to draw whenever I see my art getting reposted/stolen:
    I guess some of you didn't get the message, so I'll say it again:
I've received four different reports about art theft recently.
You have no idea how much I get depressed and lose motivation to draw whenever I see my art getting reposted/stolen:
    I guess some of you didn't get the message, so I'll say it again:
I've received four different reports about art theft recently.
You have no idea how much I get depressed and lose motivation to draw whenever I see my art getting reposted/stolen:
    I guess some of you didn't get the message, so I'll say it again:
I've received four different reports about art theft recently.
You have no idea how much I get depressed and lose motivation to draw whenever I see my art getting reposted/stolen:
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    I've been receiving so many wonderful and supportive messages from you guys, and I can't thank you all enough. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful people around me. You guys are so kind! I feel so much better and even motivated enough to go back to drawing! Yay!!

    I've been receiving so many wonderful and supportive messages from you guys, and I can't thank you all enough. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful people around me. You guys are so kind!
I feel so much better and even motivated enough to go back to drawing! Yay!!
    I've been receiving so many wonderful and supportive messages from you guys, and I can't thank you all enough. I'm so grateful to have such wonderful people around me. You guys are so kind!
I feel so much better and even motivated enough to go back to drawing! Yay!!
    Ruubesz draw@ruubesz

    Godzilla deserves a hug after that long battle against Kong and MG. Fortunately, Mothra will always be there for him🦋❤️🦖 #GodzillaVsKong #godzilla #mothra #mothzilla

    Godzilla deserves a hug after that long battle against Kong and MG. Fortunately, Mothra will always be there for him🦋❤️🦖
#GodzillaVsKong #godzilla #mothra #mothzilla
    Godzilla deserves a hug after that long battle against Kong and MG. Fortunately, Mothra will always be there for him🦋❤️🦖
#GodzillaVsKong #godzilla #mothra #mothzilla