Ayda 🐹@aydanadhira

    A week ago I posted on instagram on which characters you wanted me to draw for the #SixFanarts challenge! Here are the results ✨

    A week ago I posted on instagram on which characters you wanted me to draw for the #SixFanarts challenge! Here are the results ✨
    Ayda 🐹@aydanadhira

    Summoning all Malaysians! The #SixFanarts challenge was fun and I want to do it again woth a local flavour! From the kids of Anak-anak Sidek, to our modern Agents, comment down any characters you want me to draw. Folklore & short films characters are also allowed!

    Summoning all Malaysians! 
The #SixFanarts challenge was fun and I want to do it again woth a local flavour! From the kids of Anak-anak Sidek, to our modern Agents, comment down any characters you want me to draw. Folklore & short films characters are also allowed!
    Ayda 🐹@aydanadhira

    @annjfr Denda diri atas kerusi

    @annjfr Denda diri atas kerusi
    Ayda 🐹@aydanadhira

    A sketch that I didn't ultimately finish ?? Still waiting for my copy of Age of Calamity

    A sketch that I didn't ultimately finish ??
Still waiting for my copy of Age of Calamity
    Ayda 🐹@aydanadhira

    important production art

    important production art

