Bea @ store prep@beestinggs

    AKAASHI-! two types of akaashis!! the attention seeker and the easily embarrassed

    AKAASHI-! two types of akaashis!! the attention seeker and the easily embarrassed
    Bea @ store prep@beestinggs

    [dont rt] thank you for the overwhelming response for the previous post !!!! aaaah i love bkak sm they deserve the world ? please have this wip ?? first?? i have nothing to offer yet

    [dont rt] thank you for the overwhelming response for the previous post !!!! aaaah i love bkak sm they deserve the world ? please have this wip ?? first?? i have nothing to offer yet
    Bea @ store prep@beestinggs

    my hands moovedddd

    my hands moovedddd
    Bea @ store prep@beestinggs

    was going through my whiteboard and aaaaahh thank you for drawing akaashis (1/2)

    was going through my whiteboard and aaaaahh thank you for drawing akaashis (1/2)
    was going through my whiteboard and aaaaahh thank you for drawing akaashis (1/2)
    was going through my whiteboard and aaaaahh thank you for drawing akaashis (1/2)
    was going through my whiteboard and aaaaahh thank you for drawing akaashis (1/2)
    Bea @ store prep@beestinggs

    accidental confession

    accidental confession
    accidental confession