
    Sketch sketch

    Sketch sketch
    Sketch sketch

    Somebody who wasn't even my bias but has always been a favorite person for me to draw

    Somebody who wasn't even my bias but has always been a favorite person for me to draw
    Somebody who wasn't even my bias but has always been a favorite person for me to draw
    Somebody who wasn't even my bias but has always been a favorite person for me to draw
    Somebody who wasn't even my bias but has always been a favorite person for me to draw

    When somebody had become my bias and I went back to appreciate his looks in FAKKKKEEE LOVVEEE again

    When somebody had become my bias and I went back to appreciate his looks in FAKKKKEEE LOVVEEE again
    When somebody had become my bias and I went back to appreciate his looks in FAKKKKEEE LOVVEEE again



    Found this fragrance bag in my backpackㅠ ㅠ When I went to the SY final in Seoul (in Saturday) the girl next to me gifted me this! I thought she's Korean but it turned out she's from Taiwan so we had nice talks in Mandarin...! This is so cute and make my heart feel warmㅠ ㅠ

    Found this fragrance bag in my backpackㅠ ㅠ
When I went to the SY final in Seoul (in Saturday) the girl next to me gifted me this!
I thought she's Korean but it turned out she's from Taiwan so we had nice talks in Mandarin...!
This is so cute and make my heart feel warmㅠ ㅠ