
    The amount of gay energy in this issue im-

    The amount of gay energy in this issue im-
    The amount of gay energy in this issue im-
    The amount of gay energy in this issue im-

    and of course i cant forget my smug-ass boy

    and of course i cant forget my smug-ass boy
    and of course i cant forget my smug-ass boy
    and of course i cant forget my smug-ass boy

    tw // gore what do you draw after being paralyzed by anxiety for like two weeks? you draw an unhappy boy and a bastard man

    tw // gore

what do you draw after being paralyzed by anxiety for like two weeks? you draw an unhappy boy and a bastard man

    last night was fun ?

    last night was fun ?
    last night was fun ?
    last night was fun ?
    last night was fun ?

    some quick art for @role4damage 's stream with @DingoDoodles tonight!! (I WILL be doing more serious fanart once I get back from a trip, and that's a threat)

    some quick art for @role4damage 's stream with @DingoDoodles  tonight!! 
(I WILL be doing more serious fanart once I get back from a trip, and that's a threat)
    some quick art for @role4damage 's stream with @DingoDoodles  tonight!! 
(I WILL be doing more serious fanart once I get back from a trip, and that's a threat)