more yakuza stuff and memes for the god of yakuza stuff and memes laughed a lot when I annoyed Majima so much that he was standing near homeless shelter, smoking a cigarette and looking like "go away I don't want to look at ya anymore" #Yakuza #kiryu #majima #ryugagotoku

    more yakuza stuff and memes for the god of yakuza stuff and memes
laughed a lot when I annoyed Majima so much that he was standing near homeless shelter, smoking a cigarette and looking like "go away I don't want to look at ya anymore"
#Yakuza #kiryu #majima #ryugagotoku

    @ananaso_ink, @moody_grim and me did T H I S cursed pic kinda of three-way collab, where sketches were done with closed eyes (and Francisco because he's such suspicious haha)

    @ananaso_ink, @moody_grim and me did T H I S cursed pic
kinda of three-way collab, where sketches were done with closed eyes
 (and Francisco because he's such suspicious haha)
    @ananaso_ink, @moody_grim and me did T H I S cursed pic
kinda of three-way collab, where sketches were done with closed eyes
 (and Francisco because he's such suspicious haha)

    monster AU is best AU ?? #yakuza #majima #kiryu #ryugagotoku

    monster AU is best AU ??
#yakuza #majima #kiryu #ryugagotoku
    monster AU is best AU ??
#yakuza #majima #kiryu #ryugagotoku

    @EvGarde @Skellieton nevermind! I guess she would answer like -

    @EvGarde @Skellieton nevermind! I guess she would answer like -

    instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.

    instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha
We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.
    instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha
We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.



Iren Horrors@Iren_Horrors
Iren Horrors@Iren_Horrors