instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.

    instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha
We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.
    instead of that I can show you Nagnet.... incarnation of this hyperfixation/crush and our with @eshpur fuse haha
We created this character for memes and fun. But in story he's immortalized as author of gorgeous stained glass with saint Johannes.

    7. One day me and @eshpur shipped her immortail Bain and my mad witch Jezebel, who kills and eats people. Such a strange couple huh but there was so much space for memes.

    7. One day me and @eshpur shipped her immortail Bain and my mad witch Jezebel, who kills and eats people. Such a strange couple huh but there was so much space for memes.

    13. the best dad in my setting - Luca, leader of Inquisition's strike force, who once takes care of most wanted "unholy" child.

    13. the best dad in my setting - Luca, leader of Inquisition's strike force, who once takes care of most wanted "unholy" child.
    13. the best dad in my setting - Luca, leader of Inquisition's strike force, who once takes care of most wanted "unholy" child.

    Francisco, the corrupted inquisition judge First is amazing commission drawn by @maja42106905 , second is also a commission by I adore her work with portraits so much.

    Francisco, the corrupted inquisition judge
First is amazing commission drawn by @maja42106905 , second is also a commission by
I adore her work with portraits so much.
    Francisco, the corrupted inquisition judge
First is amazing commission drawn by @maja42106905 , second is also a commission by
I adore her work with portraits so much.

    Well, you know I'm a skeleton enthusiast, but now I need your help. I'm in HUGE need of new memes with skeletons. Please bring here some memes/funny medieval pic/whatever ?

    Well, you know I'm a skeleton enthusiast, but now I need your help.
I'm in HUGE need of new memes with skeletons.
Please bring here some memes/funny medieval pic/whatever ?
    Well, you know I'm a skeleton enthusiast, but now I need your help.
I'm in HUGE need of new memes with skeletons.
Please bring here some memes/funny medieval pic/whatever ?
    Well, you know I'm a skeleton enthusiast, but now I need your help.
I'm in HUGE need of new memes with skeletons.
Please bring here some memes/funny medieval pic/whatever ?
    Well, you know I'm a skeleton enthusiast, but now I need your help.
I'm in HUGE need of new memes with skeletons.
Please bring here some memes/funny medieval pic/whatever ?

