Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    A little light for a Saturday with snow on the way

    A little light for a Saturday with snow on the way
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    @HackinTimSeeley @jpalmiotti @KevinNowlan You had me at WW tearing the turret off a T-54!

    @HackinTimSeeley @jpalmiotti @KevinNowlan You had me at WW tearing the turret off a T-54!
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    @heroinitiative Batman issue coming soon! Please follow this good cause, and get ready to bid lavishly!

    @heroinitiative Batman issue coming soon! Please follow this good cause, and get ready to bid lavishly!
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Back to the mines. Mad respect to everyone who makes this kind of Toth black&white interplay look easy @ChrisSamnee @artofmmignola @duncanfegredo et al

    Back to the mines.
Mad respect to everyone who makes this kind of Toth black&white interplay look easy @ChrisSamnee @artofmmignola @duncanfegredo et al
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    The question that is the beating heart of the biz: "And *then* what happened?" Korak ep 42 story by @ronmarz, from @EdgarRBurroughs

    The question that is the beating heart of the biz: "And *then* what happened?"
Korak ep 42 story by @ronmarz, from @EdgarRBurroughs