Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Or how about a redo of the cover to New Mutants #78, only this time including every character that appears in the issue (I think)? Note the absence of social distancing!

    Or how about a redo of the cover to New Mutants #78, only this time including every character that appears in the issue (I think)?
Note the absence of social distancing!
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Welcome to my home.. From a WIP https://t.co/mh0s1OmaSX

    Welcome to my home..
From a WIP https://t.co/mh0s1OmaSX
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Some process, with a twist: words by James Robinson, thumbs by yt, final art by @StephenSegovia . WW47

    Some process, with a twist: words by James Robinson, thumbs by yt, final art by @StephenSegovia .
    Some process, with a twist: words by James Robinson, thumbs by yt, final art by @StephenSegovia .
    Some process, with a twist: words by James Robinson, thumbs by yt, final art by @StephenSegovia .
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Some not-so-classic comic artists too! https://t.co/mTTkzICrZC

    Some not-so-classic comic artists too! https://t.co/mTTkzICrZC
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    In these dark and difficult days, https://t.co/f7khCZPgaT is in there picking up the slack. Do what you can! From @WillSliney and me- https://t.co/O8Srox69xt

    In these dark and difficult days, https://t.co/f7khCZPgaT is in there picking up the slack.
Do what you can!
From @WillSliney and me-
