Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    While we're on the subject, more Jesse Delperdang-

    While we're on the subject, more Jesse Delperdang-
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    How about drawing 8 pages of the wrong issue? Vigilante 8 was a scheduled fill-in, but I didn't get the memo smh- https://t.co/yI5sXlorfC

    How about drawing 8 pages of the wrong issue?
Vigilante 8 was a scheduled fill-in, but I didn't get the memo smh- https://t.co/yI5sXlorfC
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    How about another round of U B the Editor? Sp 2099 vs Morlun, or chasing bank robbers in a helicopter.

    How about another round of U B the Editor?
Sp 2099 vs Morlun, or chasing bank robbers in a helicopter.
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Here are a couple sketches from this past weekend's @Granitecon. Huge thanks to the organizers, volunteers, and fans! Exercising due care and consideration, we were able to come together in safety for a fun, successful event. Applause!

    Here are a couple sketches from this past weekend's @Granitecon.
Huge thanks to the organizers, volunteers, and fans! Exercising due care and consideration, we were able to come together in safety for a fun, successful event. Applause!
    Here are a couple sketches from this past weekend's @Granitecon.
Huge thanks to the organizers, volunteers, and fans! Exercising due care and consideration, we were able to come together in safety for a fun, successful event. Applause!
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Me neither! There was a tragic death, a psychiatrist mom with hypno-tech bent on a terrible vengeance, a plague, Hugo Strange and a bunch more stuff. https://t.co/xeE0lRcccY

    Me neither!
There was a tragic death, a psychiatrist mom with hypno-tech bent on a terrible vengeance, a plague, Hugo Strange and a bunch more stuff. https://t.co/xeE0lRcccY
    Me neither!
There was a tragic death, a psychiatrist mom with hypno-tech bent on a terrible vengeance, a plague, Hugo Strange and a bunch more stuff. https://t.co/xeE0lRcccY
    Me neither!
There was a tragic death, a psychiatrist mom with hypno-tech bent on a terrible vengeance, a plague, Hugo Strange and a bunch more stuff. https://t.co/xeE0lRcccY
    Me neither!
There was a tragic death, a psychiatrist mom with hypno-tech bent on a terrible vengeance, a plague, Hugo Strange and a bunch more stuff. https://t.co/xeE0lRcccY