Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Also set aboard an aircraft carrier, also featuring an F-14! Story by Larry Hama, inks by Dan Green. https://t.co/WjqwUyWNNf

    Also set aboard an aircraft carrier, also featuring an F-14!
Story by Larry Hama, inks by Dan Green. https://t.co/WjqwUyWNNf
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Elektra breaks the impasse, dispatches the bad guy. The curious amulet she hangs on the sai appears to carry a message in braille, which Matt subsequently reads. He realizes she's alive again!…somewhere.. (No clue what the flip phone had to do with anything🤔) https://t.co/D4Wv4Xyxmu

    Elektra breaks the impasse, dispatches the bad guy.
The curious amulet she hangs on the sai appears to carry a message in braille, which Matt subsequently reads. He realizes she's alive again!…somewhere..
(No clue what the flip phone had to do with anything🤔) https://t.co/D4Wv4Xyxmu
    Elektra breaks the impasse, dispatches the bad guy.
The curious amulet she hangs on the sai appears to carry a message in braille, which Matt subsequently reads. He realizes she's alive again!…somewhere..
(No clue what the flip phone had to do with anything🤔) https://t.co/D4Wv4Xyxmu
    Elektra breaks the impasse, dispatches the bad guy.
The curious amulet she hangs on the sai appears to carry a message in braille, which Matt subsequently reads. He realizes she's alive again!…somewhere..
(No clue what the flip phone had to do with anything🤔) https://t.co/D4Wv4Xyxmu
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    A little more Korak while we wait. Last episode, their proto-Nazi commander having gone off somewhere, the Turkish troops were having a smoke. They hear a rumbling in the brush..

    A little more Korak while we wait.
Last episode, their proto-Nazi commander having gone off somewhere, the Turkish troops were having a smoke. 
They hear a rumbling in the brush..
    Rick Leonardi@rick_leonardi

    Episode #47 Anansi Speaks! In our last episode, Korak and company routed the minions and scattered their mule train carrying the radioactive ore. But where had their leader run off to?

    Episode #47 Anansi Speaks! 
In our last episode, Korak and company routed the minions and scattered their mule train carrying the radioactive ore. But where had their leader run off to?

