getting nickel-and-dimed at work again #comics

    getting nickel-and-dimed at work again #comics

    What if There Were Two Homunculi February 21st, 2021

    What if There Were Two Homunculi
February 21st, 2021

    Pencil sets all advertise themselves with hyper-realistic, highly technical art, to sell you on the possibilities of the medium, yeah? This AliExpress image I randomly came across just hit me like a truck:

    Pencil sets all advertise themselves with hyper-realistic, highly technical art, to sell you on the possibilities of the medium, yeah? This AliExpress image I randomly came across just hit me like a truck:

    bit the bullet and bought a sketchbook. what even are pencils. anyway some honse and a putto

    bit the bullet and bought a sketchbook. what even are pencils. anyway some honse and a putto
    bit the bullet and bought a sketchbook. what even are pencils. anyway some honse and a putto

    artist's pets on a sunday

    artist's pets on a sunday