
    Mfer started longing /longing/ for bokuto after this. Gay people smh

    Mfer started longing /longing/ for bokuto after this. Gay people smh
    Mfer started longing /longing/ for bokuto after this. Gay people smh

    I think I'm semi coherent now I just think that this is how they see each other. For Akaashi, Bokuto is someone who cheers him on and is a pillar for him. For Bokuto, Akaashi is someone who looks at him with rapt attention, understanding him during his lows and staying

    I think I'm semi coherent now

I just think that this is how they see each other. For Akaashi, Bokuto is someone who cheers him on and is a pillar for him. For Bokuto, Akaashi is someone who looks at him with rapt attention, understanding him during his lows and staying
    I think I'm semi coherent now

I just think that this is how they see each other. For Akaashi, Bokuto is someone who cheers him on and is a pillar for him. For Bokuto, Akaashi is someone who looks at him with rapt attention, understanding him during his lows and staying

    I love my new owl parents

    I love my new owl parents
    I love my new owl parents

    YOU dont have a crush on Bokuto. Akaashi does. Theyre dating.

    YOU dont have a crush on Bokuto. Akaashi does. Theyre dating.
    YOU dont have a crush on Bokuto. Akaashi does. Theyre dating.
    YOU dont have a crush on Bokuto. Akaashi does. Theyre dating.
    YOU dont have a crush on Bokuto. Akaashi does. Theyre dating.

    Ok so same au but in bokutos pov,,, His world became livelier with color when the new setter joined but it became lovelier when he saw his eyes up close and wow blue with specks of green? He's found the world

    Ok so same au but in bokutos pov,,,

His world became livelier with color when the new setter joined but it became lovelier when he saw his eyes up close and wow blue with specks of green? He's found the world