long ass thread i'm sorry in advance but someone asked so here's my explanation of the process for this piece!! (this is a little different from my usual process since it was a traditional sketch and i don't have a lot of pics but i'll do my best to explain!!) 1/9

    long ass thread i'm sorry in advance but someone asked so here's my explanation of the process for this piece!! (this is a little different from my usual process since it was a traditional sketch and i don't have a lot of pics but i'll do my best to explain!!) 1/9
    long ass thread i'm sorry in advance but someone asked so here's my explanation of the process for this piece!! (this is a little different from my usual process since it was a traditional sketch and i don't have a lot of pics but i'll do my best to explain!!) 1/9

    wow hello lovely twitter followers who i definitely didn't abandon for like a full year bc this app sucks. i have a zine on preorder rn

    wow hello lovely twitter followers who i definitely didn't abandon for like a full year bc this app sucks. i have a zine on preorder rn
    wow hello lovely twitter followers who i definitely didn't abandon for like a full year bc this app sucks. i have a zine on preorder rn
    wow hello lovely twitter followers who i definitely didn't abandon for like a full year bc this app sucks. i have a zine on preorder rn
    wow hello lovely twitter followers who i definitely didn't abandon for like a full year bc this app sucks. i have a zine on preorder rn