
    wha 16 "you, the very embodiment of forbidden magic" damn ig this dude has the magic curled all over his body i take it? i wonder if the magic plays around with reflection that distorts ppl's vision of him

    wha 16

"you, the very embodiment of forbidden magic" damn ig this dude has the magic curled all over his body i take it? i wonder if the magic plays around with reflection that distorts ppl's vision of him

    kita shinsuke doesn't need the evil meme since haikyuu-bu already did it

    kita shinsuke doesn't need the evil meme since haikyuu-bu already did it

    ao ashi 271 excited to see how the battle between playmakers will play (heh) out 😎 (7 mins is a long time...)

    ao ashi 271

excited to see how the battle between playmakers will play (heh) out 😎

(7 mins is a long time...)
    ao ashi 271

excited to see how the battle between playmakers will play (heh) out 😎

(7 mins is a long time...)

    hey remember that time when u missed tsukishima's hands https://t.co/QAZntzqWNu

    hey remember that time when u missed tsukishima's hands https://t.co/QAZntzqWNu