listen taichi could have definitely benefitted with hirugami sachirou school of thought but let's not forget who was the foundation of it all

    listen taichi could have definitely benefitted with hirugami sachirou school of thought but let's not forget who was the foundation of it all
    listen taichi could have definitely benefitted with hirugami sachirou school of thought but let's not forget who was the foundation of it all

    confused 🤨

    confused 🤨

    chihayafuru calendar for november......

    chihayafuru calendar for november......

    ccs clear card 57 oh god he's really gonna put them in dream world so that he can get what he wants...i feel like this is where nadeshiko comes back as well (red queen maybe?). also i wonder who the guardian of the clockland book is...

    ccs clear card 57

oh god he's really gonna put them in dream world so that he can get what he wants...i feel like this is where nadeshiko comes back as well (red queen maybe?). also i wonder who the guardian of the clockland book is...

    akatsuki no yona 216 hak and yona have been separated pretty much the entire time they've been back at the castle but hak promised he'd work his way up to stand by her. can't imagine yona's grief upon losing the person who's been with her from the beginning 😭

    akatsuki no yona 216

hak and yona have been separated pretty much the entire time they've been back at the castle but hak promised he'd work his way up to stand by her. can't imagine yona's grief upon losing the person who's been with her from the beginning 😭
    akatsuki no yona 216

hak and yona have been separated pretty much the entire time they've been back at the castle but hak promised he'd work his way up to stand by her. can't imagine yona's grief upon losing the person who's been with her from the beginning 😭
    akatsuki no yona 216

hak and yona have been separated pretty much the entire time they've been back at the castle but hak promised he'd work his way up to stand by her. can't imagine yona's grief upon losing the person who's been with her from the beginning 😭
    akatsuki no yona 216

hak and yona have been separated pretty much the entire time they've been back at the castle but hak promised he'd work his way up to stand by her. can't imagine yona's grief upon losing the person who's been with her from the beginning 😭