i've always been intrigued by the idea of ashito being a midfielder since the beginning so i was really shocked that he was put in defense. looks like we might get that answer soon

    i've always been intrigued by the idea of ashito being a midfielder since the beginning so i was really shocked that he was put in defense. looks like we might get that answer soon

    "football is played by people. everyone here, who i thought of as football cyborgs as they brought me to despair during the tryouts, were regular people after all."

    "football is played by people. everyone here, who i thought of as football cyborgs as they brought me to despair during the tryouts, were regular people after all."

    first, arata. it's really quite interesting how he frames himself as a coward who finds no path to victory even with his grandfather's strong karuta. but i love how this dilemma resolves-

    first, arata. it's really quite interesting how he frames himself as a coward who finds no path to victory even with his grandfather's strong karuta. but i love how this dilemma resolves-
    first, arata. it's really quite interesting how he frames himself as a coward who finds no path to victory even with his grandfather's strong karuta. but i love how this dilemma resolves-

    "if there's a strength that makes you want to quit karuta, there must be one that makes you want to keep playing." suo's strength is undeniable but it is by 'borrowing' chihaya's strength (through the tasuki) that arata stops being scared and become composed for the final match.

    "if there's a strength that makes you want to quit karuta, there must be one that makes you want to keep playing." suo's strength is undeniable but it is by 'borrowing' chihaya's strength (through the tasuki) that arata stops being scared and become composed for the final match.
    "if there's a strength that makes you want to quit karuta, there must be one that makes you want to keep playing." suo's strength is undeniable but it is by 'borrowing' chihaya's strength (through the tasuki) that arata stops being scared and become composed for the final match.

    i especially love taichi's part as he starts to truly realize what he wants. he had pushed on his wishes regarding suo to arata yet still desires to see its conclusion, along with witnessing chihaya's dream fulfilled.

    i especially love taichi's part as he starts to truly realize what he wants. he had pushed on his wishes regarding suo to arata yet still desires to see its conclusion, along with witnessing chihaya's dream fulfilled.
    i especially love taichi's part as he starts to truly realize what he wants. he had pushed on his wishes regarding suo to arata yet still desires to see its conclusion, along with witnessing chihaya's dream fulfilled.