the combo of kita and oomimi as tsukkomi is so funny lmfao "oomimi's ear is getting bigger" the pun is that oomimi's name literally means "big (oo = 大) ears (mimi = 耳)"

    the combo of kita and oomimi as tsukkomi is so funny lmfao

"oomimi's ear is getting bigger"

the pun is that oomimi's name literally means "big (oo = 大) ears (mimi = 耳)"

    akatsuki no yona 217 what a wonderful spread that illustrates yona and the dragons' impact in kouka. it really speaks volumes how their influence inspires others to rally for yona due to their belief in her and her company. it also makes one wary for suwon's position too

    akatsuki no yona 217

what a wonderful spread that illustrates yona and the dragons' impact in kouka. it really speaks volumes how their influence inspires others to rally for yona due to their belief in her and her company. it also makes one wary for suwon's position too
    akatsuki no yona 217

what a wonderful spread that illustrates yona and the dragons' impact in kouka. it really speaks volumes how their influence inspires others to rally for yona due to their belief in her and her company. it also makes one wary for suwon's position too

    suwon starts to crack as he realizes that he can't completely cut off his most important friends. does he have the right to care after all that he did? will yona and hak let him? i'm looking forward to the conclusion that the trio will arrive at

    suwon starts to crack as he realizes that he can't completely cut off his most important friends. does he have the right to care after all that he did? will yona and hak let him? i'm looking forward to the conclusion that the trio will arrive at
    suwon starts to crack as he realizes that he can't completely cut off his most important friends. does he have the right to care after all that he did? will yona and hak let him? i'm looking forward to the conclusion that the trio will arrive at
    suwon starts to crack as he realizes that he can't completely cut off his most important friends. does he have the right to care after all that he did? will yona and hak let him? i'm looking forward to the conclusion that the trio will arrive at



