WOW GUYS PANDORA HEARTS WAS SOOO FUN definitely did not make me sad or anything

    WOW GUYS PANDORA HEARTS WAS SOOO FUN definitely did not make me sad or anything

    reading this now 🔥🔥

    reading this now 🔥🔥
    reading this now 🔥🔥

    ao ashi 344 the hole in the esperion defense has been previously brought up by fukuda and kuribayashi but this is the first time that ashito learned about how crucial his role is to solve this problem. so glad he's being validated like this 🥹

    ao ashi 344

the hole in the esperion defense has been previously brought up by fukuda and kuribayashi but this is the first time that ashito learned about how crucial his role is to solve this problem. so glad he's being validated like this 🥹
    ao ashi 344

the hole in the esperion defense has been previously brought up by fukuda and kuribayashi but this is the first time that ashito learned about how crucial his role is to solve this problem. so glad he's being validated like this 🥹

    akanebanashi 78 enjoyed this chapter on karashi and how it naturally introduces us to a different type of storytelling. also love how akane is being highlighted through the eyes of her rivals as someone to watch out for–really shows how far she's come

    akanebanashi 78

enjoyed this chapter on karashi and how it naturally introduces us to a different type of storytelling. also love how akane is being highlighted through the eyes of her rivals as someone to watch out for–really shows how far she's come
    akanebanashi 78

enjoyed this chapter on karashi and how it naturally introduces us to a different type of storytelling. also love how akane is being highlighted through the eyes of her rivals as someone to watch out for–really shows how far she's come

    it's not a sports animanga if your rival doesn't look like they're trying to murder you

    it's not a sports animanga if your rival doesn't look like they're trying to murder you
    it's not a sports animanga if your rival doesn't look like they're trying to murder you