Japanese Influence Ink drawing. Channeling my inner @KimJungGiUS for this one hahaha!

    Japanese Influence Ink drawing. 
Channeling my inner @KimJungGiUS  for this one hahaha!

    Sharing some of my drawings during my school days. A4 moleskin papper. Sketching is one of the most fun thing and most important thing to do while studying art. It's a chance to apply the fundamentals into your ideas, grasp how do compose, see simple shapes, proportions etc.

    Sharing some of my drawings during my school days. A4 moleskin papper.

Sketching is one of the most fun thing and most important thing to do while studying art. It's a chance to apply the fundamentals into your ideas, grasp how do compose, see simple shapes, proportions etc.
    Sharing some of my drawings during my school days. A4 moleskin papper.

Sketching is one of the most fun thing and most important thing to do while studying art. It's a chance to apply the fundamentals into your ideas, grasp how do compose, see simple shapes, proportions etc.