Soon... I'm almost done with the first 2 pages of Kaiser and Farkas little "adventure"! :D I still have to come up with a title though...


I'm almost done with the first 2 pages of Kaiser and Farkas little "adventure"! :D
I still have to come up with a title though...

    Pages 1-2

    Pages 1-2
    Pages 1-2

    Pages 3-4

    Pages 3-4
    Pages 3-4

    oh no. he's very tall and vaguely threatening now

    oh no. he's very tall and vaguely threatening now

    Kinda have to pat myself on the back here that I find myself able to ink and tone a whole comic page in a day. (Ye I'm feeling proud here - nobody tell me if this is considered slow)

    Kinda have to pat myself on the back here that I find myself able to ink and tone a whole comic page in a day.
(Ye I'm feeling proud here - nobody tell me if this is considered slow)
    Kinda have to pat myself on the back here that I find myself able to ink and tone a whole comic page in a day.
(Ye I'm feeling proud here - nobody tell me if this is considered slow)