Benjamin Faure@Bfaureart

    「呪術廻戦」のエピソード27 にアニメーターとして参加しました。私は素晴らしい時間を過ごし!。 最終結果をお楽しみください! As an animator, I have participated on [JUJUTSU KAISEN] episode #27. it has been a lot of work but always super interesting to do ! Thank you for watching!

    「呪術廻戦」のエピソード27 にアニメーターとして参加しました。私は素晴らしい時間を過ごし!。 最終結果をお楽しみください!    As an animator, I have participated on [JUJUTSU KAISEN] episode #27. it has been a lot of work but always super interesting to do ! Thank you for watching!
    Benjamin Faure@Bfaureart

    #31 [原画] [EN] Here is some genga frames I drew from the episode - I really enjoyed drawing those cuts specially because MAPPA gave me their trust with barely/no corrections from the layout,so I could push the drawings and details like I loved ! To me it's very important to…

    #31 [原画]

[EN] Here is some genga frames I drew from the episode  - I really enjoyed drawing those cuts  specially because MAPPA gave me their trust with barely/no corrections  from the layout,so I could push the drawings and details like I  loved !
To me it's very important to…
    #31 [原画]

[EN] Here is some genga frames I drew from the episode  - I really enjoyed drawing those cuts  specially because MAPPA gave me their trust with barely/no corrections  from the layout,so I could push the drawings and details like I  loved !
To me it's very important to…
    #31 [原画]

[EN] Here is some genga frames I drew from the episode  - I really enjoyed drawing those cuts  specially because MAPPA gave me their trust with barely/no corrections  from the layout,so I could push the drawings and details like I  loved !
To me it's very important to…
    #31 [原画]

[EN] Here is some genga frames I drew from the episode  - I really enjoyed drawing those cuts  specially because MAPPA gave me their trust with barely/no corrections  from the layout,so I could push the drawings and details like I  loved !
To me it's very important to…

