Perci 🎈🍂@Percivale_

    Aight Saturn's post got me thinking I wanna either redesign ranboos enderwalk sword, or render out / redesign one of the axes or swords on the big ol design sheet I made (that chunky sword does look pog)

    Aight Saturn's post got me thinking
I wanna either redesign ranboos enderwalk sword, or render out / redesign one of the axes or swords on the big ol design sheet I made (that chunky sword does look pog)
    Aight Saturn's post got me thinking
I wanna either redesign ranboos enderwalk sword, or render out / redesign one of the axes or swords on the big ol design sheet I made (that chunky sword does look pog)
    Perci 🎈🍂@Percivale_

    Okay, but like cmon (Not my art - concept art for hunger games)

    Okay, but like cmon
(Not my art - concept art for hunger games)
    Perci 🎈🍂@Percivale_

    I'm shit with anatomy and all that shizz but eh I'm trying my best [wip]

    I'm shit with anatomy and all that shizz but eh I'm trying my best
    Perci 🎈🍂@Percivale_

    Same boss man /j

    Same boss man /j
    Perci 🎈🍂@Percivale_

    If you want to know whose design it is then just look at it, you'll figure it out

    If you want to know whose design it is then just look at it, you'll figure it out