
    Ya know, I'd love to master the art style for the Tf2 comics. But god damn like one moment Heavy looks like The Rock and then lookin like Mr Clean. I do think the characters are portrayed fantastically (for the most part). Especially Demoman.

    Ya know, I'd love to master the art style for the Tf2 comics. But god damn like one moment Heavy looks like The Rock and then lookin like Mr Clean. I do think the characters are portrayed fantastically (for the most part). Especially Demoman.

    Lè speedy Heavy. Honestly the shading had no thought process, just random shades. I just wanted a goofy heavy zoomin.

    Lè speedy Heavy. Honestly the shading had no thought process, just random shades. I just wanted a goofy heavy zoomin.

    Grandayy has come to kill Steve. But god damn did I draw Steve lookin kinda H o t so I hope he wins.

    Grandayy has come to kill Steve. But god damn did I draw Steve lookin kinda H o t so I hope he wins.

    @JoelyMammoth @donniedaxx I make art and stuff.

    @JoelyMammoth @donniedaxx I make art and stuff.
    @JoelyMammoth @donniedaxx I make art and stuff.
    @JoelyMammoth @donniedaxx I make art and stuff.
    @JoelyMammoth @donniedaxx I make art and stuff.

    Practicing the mercenary faces: Offensive. (These were made with the comic designs as a reference)

    Practicing the mercenary faces: Offensive. 
(These were made with the comic designs as a reference)
    Practicing the mercenary faces: Offensive. 
(These were made with the comic designs as a reference)
    Practicing the mercenary faces: Offensive. 
(These were made with the comic designs as a reference)