
    Drawings from tonight's VC

    Drawings from tonight's VC
    Drawings from tonight's VC
    Drawings from tonight's VC
    Drawings from tonight's VC

    Drawings from last nights VC and MVM experience

    Drawings from last nights VC and MVM experience
    Drawings from last nights VC and MVM experience
    Drawings from last nights VC and MVM experience
    Drawings from last nights VC and MVM experience



    Art I've done recently. Haven't done too much as of late but Imma come back to it soon. Also the first one is practicing anatomy by memory. I can't draw feet and I refuse to.

    Art I've done recently. Haven't done too much as of late but Imma come back to it soon. Also the first one is practicing anatomy by memory. I can't draw feet and I refuse to.
    Art I've done recently. Haven't done too much as of late but Imma come back to it soon. Also the first one is practicing anatomy by memory. I can't draw feet and I refuse to.
    Art I've done recently. Haven't done too much as of late but Imma come back to it soon. Also the first one is practicing anatomy by memory. I can't draw feet and I refuse to.
    Art I've done recently. Haven't done too much as of late but Imma come back to it soon. Also the first one is practicing anatomy by memory. I can't draw feet and I refuse to.

    Art I did during school since I went far ahead in some classes and I feel great about that shit.

    Art I did during school since I went far ahead in some classes and I feel great about that shit.
    Art I did during school since I went far ahead in some classes and I feel great about that shit.
    Art I did during school since I went far ahead in some classes and I feel great about that shit.
    Art I did during school since I went far ahead in some classes and I feel great about that shit.