Dante 🍉@_CallMeDante


    Dante 🍉@_CallMeDante

    haha ha idk how ugh got on there i do not remember listening to it that much

    haha ha idk how ugh got on there i do not remember listening to it that much
    haha ha idk how ugh got on there i do not remember listening to it that much
    haha ha idk how ugh got on there i do not remember listening to it that much
    haha ha idk how ugh got on there i do not remember listening to it that much
    Dante 🍉@_CallMeDante

    🤙What you see is what you get!🤙 Shoe design by @rocketdo_g !! 🫶🫶 #Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog

    🤙What you see is what you get!🤙

Shoe design by @rocketdo_g !! 🫶🫶

#Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog
    Dante 🍉@_CallMeDante

    i am very curious as to what the answers could be !!

    i am very curious as to what the answers could be !!
    Dante 🍉@_CallMeDante

    haven't had the chance to work on it but have the sketch for the next render >:) (apotos btw)

    haven't had the chance to work on it but have the sketch for the next render >:)

(apotos btw)