
    [Short comics release] Did Marco take a hint from Theroux playing horse racing during the lockdown to invest? It's great to turn familiar tips into money. BTW, TOKYOTOKEIBA Co.'s stock finally surpassed 5K yen this week. Will it continue to be a great escape? Copy by:Tanaka #WEE

    [Short comics release]
Did Marco take a hint from Theroux playing horse racing during the lockdown to invest?
It's great to turn familiar tips into money.
BTW, TOKYOTOKEIBA Co.'s stock finally surpassed 5K yen this week.
Will it continue to be a great escape?

Copy by:Tanaka
    [Short comics release]
Did Marco take a hint from Theroux playing horse racing during the lockdown to invest?
It's great to turn familiar tips into money.
BTW, TOKYOTOKEIBA Co.'s stock finally surpassed 5K yen this week.
Will it continue to be a great escape?

Copy by:Tanaka

    [Short comics release] The 2nd installment of the financial markets' version of the "true horror story" is the case of Metalgesellschaft's U.S. subsidiary. If you don't do your due diligence before jumping into a good story, you may end up in hell... Copy by:Tanaka #WEE

    [Short comics release]
The 2nd installment of the financial markets' version of the "true horror story" is the case of Metalgesellschaft's U.S. subsidiary.
If you don't do your due diligence before jumping into a good story, you may end up in hell...

Copy by:Tanaka

    [Short comics release]
The 2nd installment of the financial markets' version of the "true horror story" is the case of Metalgesellschaft's U.S. subsidiary.
If you don't do your due diligence before jumping into a good story, you may end up in hell...

Copy by:Tanaka

    [Short comics release]
The 2nd installment of the financial markets' version of the "true horror story" is the case of Metalgesellschaft's U.S. subsidiary.
If you don't do your due diligence before jumping into a good story, you may end up in hell...

Copy by:Tanaka


    【ラフ公開】 第2部で登場するお役所のお姉さん・レナ。 橋本タッチは、キャリアウーマンっぽさをやや感じる仕上がりになりますね。ふわっとした印象の原作と見比べるのも楽しいと思うのでぜひ。 余談ですがレナ、個人的にデザインが好きなキャラです(笑)。 [担当:たなか] #WEE #WORLDENDECONOMiCA



    [Design rough release] Rena, the big sister of the government office who appears in the 2nd part. Her touch is like a career woman. Compare it with the original, which has a fluffy impression. On a side note, I personally like the design of this character. Copy:by Tanaka #WEE

    [Design rough release]
Rena, the big sister of the government office who appears in the 2nd part.
Her touch is like a career woman. Compare it with the original, which has a fluffy impression.
On a side note, I personally like the design of this character.

Copy:by Tanaka

    【お知らせ】 今週のショートコミック更新ですが、橋本先生のPC?️が逝ってしまったためお休みさせていただきます。 修理が終わり次第執筆を再開しますので、しばらくお待ちいただければ幸いです…! (画像は掲載予定だったコミックのネームから、ずーんと落ち込むハガナです?) 担当:たなか #WEE https://t.co/gyh1ZurbRa


#WEE https://t.co/gyh1ZurbRa

