🦀 crabby!!@chaoscrab1994

    why does it look nice like this tho

    why does it look nice like this tho
    🦀 crabby!!@chaoscrab1994

    today in things that made me completely lose it osamu weighs 2 lb more than atsumu HE'S A BIG BOY HE LOVES TO EAT

    today in things that made me completely lose it osamu weighs 2 lb more than atsumu HE'S A BIG BOY HE LOVES TO EAT
    today in things that made me completely lose it osamu weighs 2 lb more than atsumu HE'S A BIG BOY HE LOVES TO EAT
    🦀 crabby!!@chaoscrab1994

    what else do i gotta say https://t.co/7kZw8qaUiZ

    what else do i gotta say https://t.co/7kZw8qaUiZ
    🦀 crabby!!@chaoscrab1994

    i heard it was #sakuatsu day over the weekend ! thanks tiktok for this one

    i heard it was #sakuatsu day over the weekend ! thanks tiktok for this one
    🦀 crabby!!@chaoscrab1994

    he's annoying but cute #sakuatsu

    he's annoying but cute #sakuatsu

