
    I hope it's not too late! I had rushed making this! #shirouday #FGO

    I hope it's not too late!
I had rushed making this!
#shirouday #FGO
    I hope it's not too late!
I had rushed making this!
#shirouday #FGO
    I hope it's not too late!
I had rushed making this!
#shirouday #FGO
    I hope it's not too late!
I had rushed making this!
#shirouday #FGO

    Chibi Castoria #FGO

    Chibi Castoria
    Chibi Castoria
    Chibi Castoria
    Chibi Castoria

    Which one will you choose and why? #FGO

    Which one will you choose and why?
    Which one will you choose and why?
    Which one will you choose and why?
    Which one will you choose and why?

    Which one is it? Choose and why? #FGO

    Which one is it? Choose and why? 
    Which one is it? Choose and why? 
    Which one is it? Choose and why? 
    Which one is it? Choose and why? 

    Part 3 is finished! Now, who will you choose and why? P/s. The art style and coloring style changed cuz of the new brushes from CSP. #FGO

    Part 3 is finished! 
Now, who will you choose and why?
P/s. The art style and coloring style changed cuz of the new brushes from CSP.
    Part 3 is finished! 
Now, who will you choose and why?
P/s. The art style and coloring style changed cuz of the new brushes from CSP.
    Part 3 is finished! 
Now, who will you choose and why?
P/s. The art style and coloring style changed cuz of the new brushes from CSP.
    Part 3 is finished! 
Now, who will you choose and why?
P/s. The art style and coloring style changed cuz of the new brushes from CSP.