Kaichou is sick and Doppio thinks he's sick because of a cold. So the big puppy Dopi came to warm Kaichou up with his big hug!!Late for this fanart. My phone is dying.#LouVergallery#Dropsights
Too lazy to finish this so i deleted the file and posted it here and also its fail so i gave up already...#dreamling #TheSandmanNetflix #Thesandman #dreamoftheendless #Dream #Morpheus #hobgadling
Kaichou is sick and Doppio thinks he's sick because of a cold. So the big puppy Dopi came to warm Kaichou up with his big hug!!Late for this fanart. My phone is dying.#LouVergallery#Dropsights
#BartAllen #impulse #DC
So stress of internship- got myself some rest ( im still working on commisson tho ) #낫웡 #우영 #산 #woosan
Chibi commission for #Kumori_uwu