I'd like to think there was an adjustment period for Riku after he got the blindfold #KingdomHearts #KH

    I'd like to think there was an adjustment period for Riku after he got the blindfold 
#KingdomHearts #KH
    I'd like to think there was an adjustment period for Riku after he got the blindfold 
#KingdomHearts #KH

    Here's the comic as one image if anyone wants I had to break it up to appease the demon that crops twitter posts

    Here's the comic as one image if anyone wants I had to break it up to appease the demon that crops twitter posts

    To celebrate 100 followers, here's the comic I made earlier this summer after finishing kh1 for the first time! This really is just sora and riku's dynamic in that game in a nutshell #kingdomhearts #kh #soriku

    To celebrate 100 followers, here's the comic I made earlier this summer after finishing kh1 for the first time! This really is just sora and riku's dynamic in that game in a nutshell
#kingdomhearts #kh #soriku

    god forgive me https://t.co/h2EaeGCZxU

    god forgive me https://t.co/h2EaeGCZxU

    you ever think about roxas in neverland and decide you gotta slap some wings on this boy

    you ever think about roxas in neverland and decide you gotta slap some wings on this boy