The Society for Observing and Neutralizing Interdimensional Creatures and Xenomorphs is an organization founded by several individuals who's lives Sonic had ruined through largely indirect means. When told of S.O.N.I.C.X.'s name, Sonic the Hedgehog takes great amusement in it.

    The Society for Observing and Neutralizing Interdimensional Creatures and Xenomorphs is an organization founded by several individuals who's lives Sonic had ruined through largely indirect means.

When told of S.O.N.I.C.X.'s name, Sonic the Hedgehog takes great amusement in it.
    The Society for Observing and Neutralizing Interdimensional Creatures and Xenomorphs is an organization founded by several individuals who's lives Sonic had ruined through largely indirect means.

When told of S.O.N.I.C.X.'s name, Sonic the Hedgehog takes great amusement in it.

    @NibrocRock I get this energy for some reason and that just sounds hilariously amazing

    @NibrocRock I get this energy for some reason and that just sounds hilariously amazing

    Titan Tails is a special transformation of Tails, being the result of Tails fusing with every other interdimensional counterpart of himself. In this form, Tails was capable of defeating the all-powerful Master Mogul.

    Titan Tails is a special transformation of Tails, being the result of Tails fusing with every other interdimensional counterpart of himself. In this form, Tails was capable of defeating the all-powerful Master Mogul.
    Titan Tails is a special transformation of Tails, being the result of Tails fusing with every other interdimensional counterpart of himself. In this form, Tails was capable of defeating the all-powerful Master Mogul.

    In Sonic X #17, Cheese experiences the effects of Chao stat influence, turning green when running with Sonic and negating that when flying with Cream. This is incorrect, as Run and Fly are not on the same axis of Chao stat influence.

    In Sonic X #17, Cheese experiences the effects of Chao stat influence, turning green when running with Sonic and negating that when flying with Cream.

This is incorrect, as Run and Fly are not on the same axis of Chao stat influence.
    In Sonic X #17, Cheese experiences the effects of Chao stat influence, turning green when running with Sonic and negating that when flying with Cream.

This is incorrect, as Run and Fly are not on the same axis of Chao stat influence.
    In Sonic X #17, Cheese experiences the effects of Chao stat influence, turning green when running with Sonic and negating that when flying with Cream.

This is incorrect, as Run and Fly are not on the same axis of Chao stat influence.

    In the Archie Comics, Omega demonstrates to have a crush on Blaze on the basis of her destructive flames. This means Omega suffers from Pyrophilia, the sexual gratification of fire or fire-starting.

    In the Archie Comics, Omega demonstrates to have a crush on Blaze on the basis of her destructive flames. 

This means Omega suffers from Pyrophilia, the sexual gratification of fire or fire-starting.
    In the Archie Comics, Omega demonstrates to have a crush on Blaze on the basis of her destructive flames. 

This means Omega suffers from Pyrophilia, the sexual gratification of fire or fire-starting.
    In the Archie Comics, Omega demonstrates to have a crush on Blaze on the basis of her destructive flames. 

This means Omega suffers from Pyrophilia, the sexual gratification of fire or fire-starting.

