dee | MOVED@tojistans

    nanami likes bread

    nanami likes bread
    nanami likes bread
    dee | MOVED@tojistans

    "fuck you, my child is completely fine" the child in question:

    "fuck you, my child is completely fine"

the child in question:
    "fuck you, my child is completely fine"

the child in question:
    "fuck you, my child is completely fine"

the child in question:
    dee | MOVED@tojistans

    someone tell toji his kid is batshit crazy just like him

    someone tell toji his kid is batshit crazy  just like him
    someone tell toji his kid is batshit crazy  just like him
    dee | MOVED@tojistans

    dee | MOVED@tojistans

    POV: you're watching megumi grow up #伏黒恵誕生祭2020

    POV: you're watching megumi grow up 

    POV: you're watching megumi grow up 

    POV: you're watching megumi grow up 

    POV: you're watching megumi grow up 
