cyno !!@ccynosaur

    i have no clue if i'll ever render this but the

    i have no clue if i'll ever render this but the
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    ghhshfg i'm seeing my art program classmates again tomorrow

    ghhshfg i'm seeing my art program classmates again tomorrow
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    temporarily shelving this to go work on 100hc angst hghshgsm

    temporarily shelving this to go work on 100hc angst hghshgsm
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    i actually have time and motivation to work on full drawings now so idk if i'll ever finish the whole expressions chart thing but,, have him :)

    i actually have time and motivation to work on full drawings now so idk if i'll ever finish the whole expressions chart thing but,, have him :)
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    hmmmm humm aah hm mmmm

    hmmmm humm aah hm mmmm