cyno !!@ccynosaur

    the sculk catalyst stuff on scar's stream got me thinking again about what my friend said to me yesterday,,,

    the sculk catalyst stuff on scar's stream got me thinking again about what my friend said to me yesterday,,,
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    yknow what the poll was close enough so here are both of them on lower res <3

    yknow what the poll was close enough so here are both of them on lower res <3
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    we trade silly little archery tips :D

    we trade silly little archery tips :D
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    reaching an equilibrium #trafficsona

    reaching an equilibrium #trafficsona
    reaching an equilibrium #trafficsona
    cyno !!@ccynosaur

    so i have these pages in my sketchbook full of gay homosexual poses ready to be jmartified and my mom walked by and took a reaaalllly long look at them. Um. this might be the end of me ! anyways said gays from dini aggie <3

    so i have these pages in my sketchbook full of gay homosexual poses ready to be jmartified and my mom walked by and took a reaaalllly long look at them. Um. this might be the end of me !  anyways said gays from dini aggie <3