daily reminder that junior high aot doesn't use gendered terms for hange!! (so u shouldn't either :])

    daily reminder that junior high aot doesn't use gendered terms for hange!! (so u shouldn't either :])
    daily reminder that junior high aot doesn't use gendered terms for hange!! (so u shouldn't either :])

    Day 6- Legacy Hange's legacy- from creating the thunder spear, creating the executioner from hell, to becoming the next commander. To saving Levi, forming the alliance and paving their way to the final fight by sacrificing themselves. Hange's legacy will never be forgotten.

    Day 6- Legacy 

Hange's legacy- from creating the thunder spear, creating the executioner from hell, to becoming the next commander. To saving Levi, forming the alliance and paving their way to the final fight by sacrificing themselves. Hange's legacy will never be forgotten.
    Day 6- Legacy 

Hange's legacy- from creating the thunder spear, creating the executioner from hell, to becoming the next commander. To saving Levi, forming the alliance and paving their way to the final fight by sacrificing themselves. Hange's legacy will never be forgotten.
    Day 6- Legacy 

Hange's legacy- from creating the thunder spear, creating the executioner from hell, to becoming the next commander. To saving Levi, forming the alliance and paving their way to the final fight by sacrificing themselves. Hange's legacy will never be forgotten.

    Appreciation post for our non-binary god!! - Tyler

    Appreciation post for our non-binary god!! 

- Tyler
    Appreciation post for our non-binary god!! 

- Tyler
    Appreciation post for our non-binary god!! 

- Tyler
    Appreciation post for our non-binary god!! 

- Tyler

    Hange Hange Hange - Tyler

    Hange Hange Hange 
- Tyler

    Need a very loved enby on your Twitter feed? Here you go! 🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️ - Tyler

    Need a very loved enby on your Twitter feed? Here you go! 🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️

- Tyler
    Need a very loved enby on your Twitter feed? Here you go! 🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️

- Tyler
    Need a very loved enby on your Twitter feed? Here you go! 🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️

- Tyler
    Need a very loved enby on your Twitter feed? Here you go! 🏳️‍⚧️✨❤️

- Tyler