「 きれいな 、僕の恵わ 。」 And so he worships and praises every millimeters of his entirety, and when he's done, he'll start again from the tips of his toes. #呪術廻戦 #五伏 #고죠후시

    #五伏#呪術廻戦#고죠후시 五伏呪術廻戦
    「 きれいな 、僕の恵わ 。」

And so he worships and praises every millimeters of his entirety, and when he's done, he'll start again from the tips of his toes. 

#呪術廻戦 #五伏 #고죠후시
    「 きれいな 、僕の恵わ 。」

And so he worships and praises every millimeters of his entirety, and when he's done, he'll start again from the tips of his toes. 

#呪術廻戦 #五伏 #고죠후시

    He says this because he himself has taken the youth out of someone and every time he watches megumi breaks guilt eats him

    He says this because he himself has taken the youth out of someone and every time he watches megumi breaks guilt eats him

    @QutieMoon NOOOOO its the ONE type of guys i dont wanna like like ever !!! Bad taste!!! Bad taste!!! Axe and cigarette and bangs and slick man bun and smooth playboy jerk and black earrings and probably listens to bands !!! HES HOT I H8 IT

    @QutieMoon NOOOOO its the ONE type of guys i dont wanna like like ever !!! Bad taste!!! Bad taste!!! Axe and cigarette and bangs and slick man bun and smooth playboy jerk and black earrings and probably listens to bands !!! HES HOT I H8 IT



    Not blaming papadori for letting her f*ck him

    Not blaming papadori for letting her f*ck him

