the deed is done and I had to constantly remind myself that I was supposed to draw them *poorly*, not just *silly* Thank you everyone for letting me play with your poor brainchildren :,D

    the deed is done and I had to constantly remind myself that I was supposed to draw them *poorly*, not just *silly*

Thank you everyone for letting me play with your poor brainchildren :,D

    I see #artvsartist is making rounds again This also doubles as this year's art summary, as these are all the personal illustrations I've done this year. I'm a bit sad there aren't more, but at least I'm happy with those I did :,)

    I see #artvsartist is making rounds again

This also doubles as this year's art summary, as these are all the personal illustrations I've done this year.
I'm a bit sad there aren't more, but at least I'm happy with those I did :,)

    Finally did the shirt cut meme

    Finally did the shirt cut meme

    #artvsartist2022 I guess …Except I didn't do a single finished personal illustration this year

    #artvsartist2022 I guess
…Except I didn't do a single finished personal illustration this year

    Part 1! Mutuals who haven't already………… fork over your children

    Part 1! Mutuals who haven't already………… fork over your children

