
    #sameartist I'm a good candidate for this hashtag I think.


I'm a good candidate for this hashtag I think.

I'm a good candidate for this hashtag I think.

    I'm eating less corn on the cob now, I guess I got weary of having butter up my nose. #boumeriesrerun

    I'm eating less corn on the cob now, I guess I got weary of having butter up my nose.


    It was a little uncanny in the weird way self-portraits are, you know? It was a nice drawing but I hated it, and I hated having it staring at me >_> #boumeriesrerun

    It was a little uncanny in the weird way self-portraits are, you know? It was a nice drawing but I hated it, and I hated having it staring at me >_>


    If I remember right, the joke for this one didn't register and people thought I meant how painful my dry skin was when applying lotion. But the joke was: have you ever noticed the face you make when you put lotion on?? It's not as nice as on TV. #boumeriesrerun

    If I remember right, the joke for this one didn't register and people thought I meant how painful my dry skin was when applying lotion. But the joke was: have you ever noticed the face you make when you put lotion on?? It's not as nice as on TV.


    Oh boy, did I have worse toilet dreams after that. #boumeriesrerun

    Oh boy, did I have worse toilet dreams after that.


