emily hu@emilyyyhu

    anakin yell

    anakin yell
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    one day i'll learn how to draw their hair

    one day i'll learn how to draw their hair
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    #SixFanarts thank you everyone for the suggestions! I had fun!!!!

    #SixFanarts thank you everyone for the suggestions! I had fun!!!!
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    what's been haunting me

    what's been haunting me
    emily hu@emilyyyhu

    @kikiinspace @Jen_Benben fun fact my first freelance boards for she-ra were s4e13 the hordak v catra fight, and here's hordak when catra mentions entrapta to neg him. i knew nothing of the series then and was like hmm interesting reaction from this big bad man

    @kikiinspace @Jen_Benben fun fact my first freelance boards for she-ra were s4e13 the hordak v catra fight, and here's hordak when catra mentions entrapta to neg him. i knew nothing of the series then and was like hmm interesting reaction from this big bad man